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Admissions Arrangements

Date adopted: September 2020

Date approved: September 2023

Review Date: September 2024



Admission to Newport Primary School is in accordance with the County Policy set down in the Primary Education Booklet issued by the Local Authority. The authority admissions policy for the school is available at

School-Specific Admissions Information
School Number: 881-2760
Published admission number 2024/2025: 30
Number on roll: 190
Applications received (all preferences) Sept 2023: 45
In 2022 the last child was admitted under criterion: 5

Reception school applications for September 2024

Parents and carers who live in Essex can now apply for their child’s school place online using the Essex Online Admissions Service at: Or you can request an application form calling 0345 603 2200.


You will be able to make your application online from 6th November 2023.

The closing date for primary applications is 15th January 2024. This is the statutory national closing date set by the Government.

Places will be allocated by the Local Authority with preference given to children living in the immediate locality and those with siblings at the school. Priority Admission (Catchment) areas in Essex can be found here:

The offer of a school place will be made by Essex County Council on 16th April 2024 by letter as well as by email to those applying online.

Prospective parents may also find the link below informative:

Schools Admission Policies Directory 2023/2024

From September 2011, the admissions policy in Essex schools has been altered to reflect the new Department of Education policy as follows:

As required by law with effect from September 2011, all infant and primary schools provide for the full-time admission of all children offered a place in the reception year group from the September following their fourth birthday. This means that you have the right to a full time place at the school your child is offered from September 2011.
The law does not require a child to start school until the start of the term following their fifth birthday. Compulsory school age is reached at that point. Parents can request that the date their child is admitted to school is deferred until later in the school year or until the child reaches compulsory school age in the school year. Where entry is deferred, the school will hold the place for that child and not offer it to another child. The parent would not however be able to defer entry beyond the beginning of the term after the child’s fifth birthday, nor beyond the academic year for which the original application was accepted.
Parents can also request that their child attends part-time until the child reaches compulsory school age. You would need to check with the individual school(s) what the part-time provision would be.
Where parents choose to defer entry, the school may reasonably expect that the child would start at the beginning of a new school term/half term.


Successful Reception Admissions

Parents of successful new entrants are invited to bring their children to visit the school prior to their admission. We like new parents to visit during the working day so that they can see the school in action. In addition to this, the new entrants will be invited to join the Reception class for a number of visits before they commence full time school. This helps the newcomers to get to know classmates, the staff and the school environment, ensuring their transition into school is as happy as possible.


Admissions mid term


For children who wish to start during the year in all age groups, parents should contact our office on Tel: 01799 540 055 E-mail:  to make an appointment to view the school.

All applications for places in our school should be made via Essex Planning and Admissions telephone 0345 603 2200 or online via:

Arrangements can be made by prospective parents, of any age child, to visit the school by appointment on the contact details above. The Headteacher will be pleased to show you and your children around the school and provide further information. We can also make arrangements for your child to spend a morning/afternoon or day with their new class prior to entry.

Over Subscription Admissions Policy

There is no guarantee of a place for children living in the priority admission area.

As set out in the Primary Education in Essex 2021/2022 booklet in the event of oversubscription places will be allocated using the following criteria in the order given:

  1. looked After Children and previously looked after children (as defined in the booklet).
  2. children living in the priority admission area with a sibling attending the school.
  3. children living in the priority admission area.
  4. children living outside the priority admission area with a sibling attending the school.
  5. remaining application.

In the event of oversubscription within any of the above criteria, priority will be determined by straight line distance from home to school, those living closest being given the highest priority.


If your child has been unsuccessful in securing a place at Newport Primary school and you wish to appeal the decision the link below explains the appeals procedure.


A map of the catchment area is available for inspection at the school office.


Primary Admissions Brochure (West Essex)
