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PE and Sport Premium

2021-2022 Sports Premium Funding

Total number of pupils on roll (January 2021)168
Number of pupils eligible for sports premium145
PE and Sports Premium received£17390
Carried forward from 2020/2021


Total - £19390


The PE and sport premium was launched to help primary schools improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils.

The funding goes directly to primary school headteachers so that they can decide how best to use it to provide PE and sporting activities for pupils.

It can be used to:

  • develop or add to the PE and sport activities that the school already offers
  • make improvements now that will benefit pupils joining the school in future years

For example, funding can be used to:

  • hire qualified sports coaches to work with teachers
  • provide existing staff with training or resources to help them teach PE and sport more effectively
  • introduce new sports or activities and encourage more pupils to take up sport
  • support and involve the least active children by running or extending school sports clubs and holiday clubs
  • run sport competitions
  • increase pupils’ participation in school games





Money Spent On



PE specialists


Leading groups of children in physical activities developing fitness and enjoyment of sport during PE curriculum time. They will also work alongside classroom teachers in order to upskill them in sport specific areas.

During Covid times we have also extended our physical activity on offer throughout lunchtime to maximise active time for those children in school. This has greatly benefitted the children.

USSP collective


Play-leader, School Games Crew and other leadership training is provided through this for year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children. CPD opportunities for staff. Subject leader meetings to update and inform and look at best practice. Finally, it provides support in running intra school sporting events.

Including: £800 Sports Partnership coaching L Dunlop, School Games Programme £150

Sports Equipment


Equipment to provide high quality lessons and opportunity for daily activity/exercise.

Including servicing of this equipment.

iMoves subscription


Purchasing this programme allows staff to access a wide range of resources providing a clear link between PE and Maths. Using this resources will create a more active school in and out of the classroom.




Carried forward


To 22/23 budget





Sustainability in Physical Education is ensured by having  a clear understanding of the needs of the school, analysis of impact of the provision through Sport Premium funding and by making sure that areas that are developed continue to be supported and revisited by the PE lead, Miss Sian O'Riordan and the headteacher, Mrs Rebecca Pine.

2020-2021 Sports Premium Funding

Total number of pupils on roll (January 2019)168
Number of pupils eligible for sports premium144
PE and Sports Premium received£17390
Carried forward from 2019/2020


Total - £21353


The PE and sport premium was launched to help primary schools improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils.

The funding goes directly to primary school headteachers so that they can decide how best to use it to provide PE and sporting activities for pupils.

It can be used to:

  • develop or add to the PE and sport activities that the school already offers
  • make improvements now that will benefit pupils joining the school in future years

For example, funding can be used to:

  • hire qualified sports coaches to work with teachers
  • provide existing staff with training or resources to help them teach PE and sport more effectively
  • introduce new sports or activities and encourage more pupils to take up sport
  • support and involve the least active children by running or extending school sports clubs and holiday clubs
  • run sport competitions
  • increase pupils’ participation in school games





Money Spent On



PE specialists


Leading groups of children in physical activities developing fitness and enjoyment of sport during PE curriculum time. They will also work alongside classroom teachers in order to upskill them in sport specific areas.

During Covid times we have also extended our physical activity on offer throughout lunchtime to maximise active time for those children in school. This has greatly benefitted the children.

USSP collective


Play-leader, School Games Crew and other leadership training is provided through this for year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children. CPD opportunities for staff. Subject leader meetings to update and inform and look at best practice. Finally, it provides support in running intra school sporting events.

Including: £800 Sports Partnership coaching L Dunlop, School Games Programme £150

Sports Equipment


Equipment to provide high quality lessons and opportunity for daily activity/exercise.

Including servicing of this equipment.

iMoves subscription


Purchasing this programme allows staff to access a wide range of resources providing a clear link between PE and Maths. Using this resources will create a more active school in and out of the classroom.




Carried forward


To 21/22 budget





Sustainability in Physical Education is ensured by having  a clear understanding of the needs of the school, analysis of impact of the provision through Sport Premium funding and by making sure that areas that are developed continue to be supported and revisited by the PE lead, Miss Sian O'Riordan and the headteacher, Mrs Rebecca Pine.

Sports Premium Report 2020-2021

Sports Premium Report 2020-2021

Sports Premium Report 2019/2020

Sports Premium Report 2018/2019
