

Primary School

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School and Home Communication

At Newport Primary School we send out all letters etc via an app called The School App which can be downloaded on to all Apple and Android devices.  


Our payment system e.g. for school meals, trips etc is School Gateway.  A user guide for School Gateway can be found below.  

A weekly newsletter will be sent home on a Friday via TheSchool App.  This will be written by the Headteacher and will be celebrating achievements of the week, a place to share news, reminders and updates and essential diary dates.  Class teachers will also send out a weekly newsletter on a Friday, again via TheSchool App, summarising the learning that has taken place that week and a brief summary about what to expect next week too.  The class newsletter will be more specific to your child's class whereas the newsletter is for the whole school.  All of the newsletters can be found on our school website (under the News and Events tab) for later reference if required.  

Book Looks

Every term parents/carers will be invited into school to have a look at their children's books in their classroom environment.  This is an opportunity for parents/carers to celebrate their children's work with them and talk about their learning.  Children love to share their proud moments!  Please look out for upcoming dates on our newsletters. 


Parents Evening

Twice a year parents/carers are invited into school for parents evening.  You will meet with your child's teacher to discuss their learning, behaviour and social and emotional development, you will also have an opportunity to look at their books.  At the end of the 10 minute session you will have an idea on the level your child is working at, their current strengths and what their targets are moving forward.  Please look out for specific dates in our newsletters but these will typically be held in October and March.  A written school report will be sent home in the Summer Term.  
