For Remembrance Day, we discussed why this day exists and how it is celebrated. The children had a look at some medals that soldiers can receive in the army. We then had a go at making some poppy suncatchers to go in our window. We had to work carefully to stick the cellophane onto the sticky-back plastic.
In the Autumn Term, we studied the artist Henri Matisse. We studied his paintings 'The Parakeet and the Mermaid' as well as 'The Snail'. The children had a go at making a large-scale version of his collage using coloured paper and scissors.
For our first Design and Technology unit (DT) we designed and made our own fruit product. We started by tasting a variety of new fruits, then we designed a product for our partner. We made a smoothie, fruit salad, or fruit kebab. They went down a treat!
In the Spring Term, we looked at sliders and levers in DT. We started by exploring three different types of mechanism: sliders, levers and pop-ups. Then, we designed our own Easter cards and made them using one of these mechanisms.