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Friends of Newport Primary School (FONS)

The Friends of Newport Primary School is the school’s Parent-Teacher Association and is registered with the Charity Commission. The Friends Committee run various events throughout the school year to raise funds to support the school – enabling the purchase of equipment, updating of facilities and supporting activities such as educational trips.


All parents/carers of pupils at the school and members of staff are automatically members of the Friends of Newport Primary School and can therefore become a member of the committee. We hope you will enjoy the fundraising events and will provide a warm welcome to all new members on the Friends committee. If you have some time to spare, we would love to receive your help and ideas for future Friends events to raise vital funds for the school. We hold regular meetings during the year, the dates for which will be published in the school’s monthly newsletter, sent out via Theschoolapp and on this website.


Chair: Caroline Orros

Co-Chair/Secretary: Tammy Hull

Treasurer: Rose Bloomfield/Nicola Parker
Communications: Jennifer Stevens


You can contact The Friends of Newport Primary in the following ways:


Christmas Disco Thursday 12th December 2024

FONS Minutes - 5th February 2025

FONS AGM Minutes 01.10.24
