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Newport gets a library!

Newport has got a library! After months of building work, planning, problems (dust, walls, ceiling tiles!), a painting party of Teaching assistants, a demolition project by Mr Want... the company finally delivered the new library this weekend and a team of us got assembling the units!


We are all thrilled with the result (although not completely finished!) and the reaction from the children made it all worthwhile on Monday morning. We now have a proper fiction area, organised alphabetically by author; a fiction area, organised by subjects and a picture book area for younger readers. With the addition of two comfy chairs and a 4 beanbags, it is all set to be an area where children will enjoy relaxing with their reading and really immerse themselves in a book.


Still to do...purchase many books (as requested by the children), buy a large rug for a class group to sit on, put up reading based displays and 'books of the week/month' on shelves, buy more seating and select librarians to help maintain the library.


Newport would like to thank: the Friends of Newport PTA for their huge donation; CALA homes for their donation and the local round table charity for their donation; also the help of Simon Mathias in giving up his own time for the build. We are still applying for more funding through different companies, in order to purchase the books, more seating and, fingers crossed, IPads for a different way into reading!
