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Year 6 - Falcon Class

Welcome to Falcon Class!


Welcome to Falcon class. We are Year 6 and also known as the 'Fantastic Falcons'.

Our class teacher is Mrs White and our teaching assistants are Mrs Burt, Mrs Brighten , Mrs Holby and Mrs Want; they work with us and help us to learn.


Keep an eye on this page to see what we have been up to in Falcon class.



We had a fantastic WOW day this week. All the children looked brilliant in their costumes and it was great to see every single member of the class make an effort. This topic has certainly been a hit with the class and I’ve really enjoyed all the background research the children have been independently undertaking.
We learnt lots about Evacuee’s, Propaganda during the war and The Blitz and even got to build our own spitfire! The class all enjoyed the film Goodnight Mr Tom and found it very emotive.


Falcon Class Trip to IWM Duxford

Harvest Festival poem performance

Still image for this video

Falcon Class 2022 - 2023

Here are our amazing Mosque designs.

Falcon Class 2021- 2022

Falcons enjoyed their final WORLD BOOK DAY at Newport Primary School. Many dressed up as characters or words, and we all enjoyed examining picture books before producing our own for Dragonfly class.

Falcons enjoyed dressing up as important people from our Civil Rights topic.

We considered and discussed different fictional genres. Falcons were able to match the features and consider examples they had experienced.

We have loved completing our Batik scarfs

Falcons enjoyed the heart dissection.

We begun producing our Batik scarf designs for our teddys.

We learnt about equivalent fractions.

We have been using Numicon to help us with fractions.

Falcons produces excellent creatures as part of their home learning this week.

Loving our new buddy role with Dragonfly class

Falcons have loved taking on a mentor roll for the youngest children at Newport.

Every Wednesday, we spend time in Dragonfly class, helping the children to find sounds and begin to blend to read.  

Dragonfly class love showing us what they know and reading with us. 

Enjoy the gallery below.

We begun publishing our work electronically. Falcons typed up their amazing Hermelin diaries.

Our taste testing of breads around the world was a success in DT.

Falcons loved completing some outdoor learning - we focused on place value on the playground.
